43,081 research outputs found

    A power-spectral-density computer program

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    Computer program simplifies and clarifies random noise vibration test results. It also varies PSD test specifications, sets up automatic equalization equipment, and calculates an exact accleration level for the random noise prior to the test

    Automated attendance accounting system

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    An automated accounting system useful for applying data to a computer from any or all of a multiplicity of data terminals is disclosed. The system essentially includes a preselected number of data terminals which are each adapted to convert data words of decimal form to another form, i.e., binary, usable with the computer. Each data terminal may take the form of a keyboard unit having a number of depressable buttons or switches corresponding to selected data digits and/or function digits. A bank of data buffers, one of which is associated with each data terminal, is provided as a temporary storage. Data from the terminals is applied to the data buffers on a digit by digit basis for transfer via a multiplexer to the computer

    Peak acceleration limiter

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    Device is described that limits accelerations by shutting off shaker table power very rapidly in acceleration tests. Absolute value of accelerometer signal is used to trigger electronic switch which terminates test and sounds alarm

    Peak acceleration limiter for vibrational tester Patent

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    Electronic detection system for peak acceleration limits in vibrational testing of spacecraft component

    Planetary astronomy

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    Many asteroids are known to be non-spherical, as revealed by changes in their brightness as they rotate (light curves) and present varying cross-sections to view. Models of collisional evolution of the asteroid belt suggest that many of the larger asteroids are shattered rubble piles, consisting of fragments bound together by gravity. If these assemblages are sufficiently weak, they should relax to equilibrium shapes that depend only on their spin periods and densities. Thus, if shape of an asteroid is known, one might infer its density and internal structure

    Spectrophotometric study of asteroids

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    Observations of particular faint asteroids of interest, in particular the Trojans, were carried out during an observation run at Kitt Peak National Observatory (1.3 meter telescope) in September 1973, and an attempt was made to study the compositional variation within Hirayama families. A particularly important study was initiated to observe spectrophotometrically certain asteroids which are considered as potential source bodies for meteorites. A program was also undertaken to coordinate the spectrophotometry program with polarimetric and thermal-infrared observation programs being conducted elsewhere

    A Power-spectral-density Computer Program for the Vibration Laboratory

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    Computer program for calculating vibration- acceleration densities along power-spectral density plots in vibration test

    Computer-controlled vibration testing

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    System features quickly achieved steady state, increased accuracy of spectrum definition, and true Gaussian amplitude distribution of resulting signals. Controlled shock-tests might also be tried with this system

    Quantifying scaling in the velocity field of the anisotropic turbulent solar wind

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    Solar wind turbulence is dominated by Alfvénic fluctuations with power spectral exponents that somewhat surprisingly evolve toward the Kolmogorov value of −5/3, that of hydrodynamic turbulence. We analyze in situ satellite observations at 1AU and show that the turbulence decomposes linearly into two coexistent components perpendicular and parallel to the local average magnetic field and determine their distinct intermittency independent scaling exponents. The first of these is consistent with recent predictions for anisotropic MHD turbulence and the second is closer to Kolmogorov-like scaling